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icon-100 24-7-support 2g 360-degrees 3g 4g-plus-plus 4g-plus 4g acceleration-mid accessories add-on add-or-plus alarm-assistant app-store apps arrow-left arrow-right arrow-up auto-top-up base battery bill-hi bill-or-report-mid bill-payment block-light block main_icn_Blog vodafone-bonus-mid vodafone-bonus brand-outline-reversed brand-outline icon-brand-registration main_icn_Business Broadband_0.1 broadband-2 broadband-mid broadband-mid broadband bullet-list bundles main_icn_Business_phone business calendar-2 calendar call camera car-connected v-car-hi car card-add Icons+Indicators / Mid-Render Icons / payment Created with Sketch. card chart-bar analyst-view-hi-dark chart-line chat cherries-points chevron-down chevron-left chevron-right chevron-up clock close sos-emergency icon-cog communication community compass completed-mid Created with Sketch. completed connected-devices connectivity-world connectivity converged-proposition cpu credit customer-care dashboard-hi dashboard icon-data-1gb-2 icon-data-1gb data-mid data deals debit delete delivery main_icn_Desktop diagram-up dislike document-doc document-jpg document-file-pdf document-png document-ppt document-file-xls document-file-zip document-mid Download Mid Created with Sketch. download edit-mid edit icon-egypt-2 icon-egypt main_icn_Enterprise icon-entertainment error-circle error-simple facebook family favourites Fax_01 fax_2 fax filter filters main_icn_Folder game-console_1 game-console_2 games global-data global-phone google-plus help-hi help icon-home-flat home idea-or-innovation icon-india-2 icon-india icon-infinity info-circle-light info-circle Combined Shape Created with Sketch. tutorials country-or-international iot landline-or-call light-bulb like lithium_icn_Link_insert_edit linkedin list-view icon-local-calls market_icn_Locate_me location main_icn_Log_out logo-big Icons+Indicators / Mid-Render Icons / mail_new Created with Sketch. mail map mbref measure members menu message minus mobile-broadband mobile-hi-dark Icons+Indicators / Mid-Render Icons / mobile Created with Sketch. internet-movel mobile calendar_2 icon-multi-language icon-multilingual music-and-movies-mid my-trips my-vodafone network-signal network notification offer-badge-percent offer-badge icon-pakistan-2 icon-pakistan-philippines pause payg payment-hi paypal photos pie-chart placeholder play-store play plus pop-out icon-power-button Icons+Indicators / HiFi-Icons / prepare / light_theme Created with Sketch. print privacy_or_confidential privacy icon-qatar icon-radio rank-virtuoso rating-0 rating-5 ratings recommendation refresh report reports return-product roaming icon-router market_icn_Saving search security-mid security settings share-your-mins share shopping-trolley-mid shopping-trolley shopping signed-in sim-single sim icon-sms social-chat social-facebook social-google-plus social-instagram social-linkedin social-twitter social-whatsapp social-youtube market_icn_Solution_Finder sos-credit sound speaker-off speaker-on student sustainability symmetrical main_icn_Sync icon-tachometer tail icon-telephone Tethering_0.1 text thumbs-hi-dark Combined Shape Created with Sketch. tick-outline-light tick-outline tick Content Created with Sketch. top-up-mid icon-top-up-tick top-up top-up icon-trophy TV_kids icon-tv-live tv twitter unified-communication unlimited-data unlimited-phonecalls unlimited icon-upload users-hi users video viewed vodafone-logo-white vodafone-pass-dots VF_Pass_overlay VF_Pass vodafone voice-of-vodafone-alerts icon-wallet Shape Created with Sketch. Icons+Indicators / HiFi-Icons / warning / dark_theme Created with Sketch. Icons+Indicators / HiFi-Icons / warning / light_theme Created with Sketch. warning-light warning watch icon-web2sms weight white-paper-mid world youtube